Saturday, July 16, 2011


I'll warn you now that I have never written a blog before, so until I get the hang of it things could be rough. So who am I? I'm Jenna Kay, a 28 year old serial monogamist. However, I am not single for a lack of trying. Trust me, I've tried it all...well pretty much. I have yet to go on the Bachelor or any TV dating show, but online dating, speed dating, meeting people in bars, friends setting me up, can all be checked off my list. From gigolos to MLB players, from Real World cast members to the super religious, there is pretty much nothing that surprises me anymore when it comes to dating. I've been there, done that, and I have all the stories to prove it.

One of the characters, Penny, from my favorite TV show, Happy Endings, said it best: "It's just a bunch of poor guys with weird sexual stuff and even when you do it they still don't call." Well said Penny, well said. It's tough out there, and I think all single women agree. I'll admit that at some point I would love to get married and have a family, but given my experiences in the dating world it is not surprising why I am still single. My friends have been begging me for years to write about my dating life because quite frankly, it's ridiculous. So here it is. You're welcome.

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