Sunday, July 17, 2011

Who Is Jenna Kay?

Since this is a new blog I wanted to give you a little more background on who I am, Jenna Kay. Growing up I was the child who followed every rule that my parents gave me: the midnight curfew, not drinking alcohol, not doing drugs and dating nice respectable young men. I was content with this lifestyle, and although I wanted to rebel, I didn’t want to disappoint my parents, so I stuck to being the little angel. You see, this all changed as soon as I went to college. I learned there was more to life and I wanted to experience it all. The world didn’t go to sleep at midnight, people under 21 drank on a regular basis, marijuana wasn’t just for hippies, and honestly, there aren’t that many “nice” guys out there to date. My life needed to change, and it did in a major way. I believe that as soon as I walked onto my college campus I turned into what my friends would later refer to me as “a drama bomb”.

When it comes to dating guys, my mother has always said to date a nice respectable young man. He needs to make you laugh, have a future, treat you right, and be your best friend. Throughout high school and college I searched for this guy, determined that Mr. Right must in fact be out there somewhere. Every guy I brought home to my mother always seemed to have some sort of flaw. He didn’t smile enough, he was arrogant, he was going nowhere, and the list goes on and on. Ironically one of the prom dates she did approve of turned out to be a rapist when he went off to college, so maybe I shouldn’t have been listening to her opinion after all. Oddly enough, I’m still looking. I’m not exactly sure where he is hiding, but I figure that one day I have to find him, right? I look at some of my friends from grade school and high school who are not attractive but are married, and figure if they can find someone there has got to be someone out there for me. Dating is rough though, and I’ll be the first to admit that.

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